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2025 IASJ News Update #1, January 15th

2025 IASJ News Update #1, January 15th

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International Association of Schools of Jazz

IASJ News Update #1, 15 January 2025

Ed Partyka, the new IASJ Executive Director

I very much look forward to working with the IASJ board, the Service Bureau Coordinator Wouter Turkenburg, and all IASJ members in the years ahead as the new Executive Director of this esteemed and      vitally important organization.
In times of increasing fragmentation in our society, organizations like the IASJ are more important than ever as a bulwark against the      further decline of social norms,
and the IASJ is a special place where open, well-informed and         respectful conversations about the development of jazz, jazz           education and society in general can take place.
One of the main goals that I share with the IASJ board is to grow the organization, and for that, we need the support of all IASJ members.
Please promote the IASJ to schools that are not yet members and pass on all the contacts you have to the members of the IASJ board or send them directly to me.
I look forward to seeing you all in Klagenfurt, it will be an outstanding meeting!‍


Ed Partyka

IASJ Executive Director


 IASJ at Jazzahead, Bremen, Germany, 24-26 April 2025


Artistic Advisor of Jazzahead, Götz Buehler, head of jazz studies at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, Bart Suer, and Executive Director of the IASJ, Ed Partyka, teamed up to prepare for an IASJ presentation at Jazzahead 2025. Jazzahead is the largest combined music trade fair, festival, and showcase event in Europe, attracting over 15000 participants last year.

Details are worked out about the panel to be formed that discusses among other things, the relation between jazz education and the jazz industry.


All about Jazzahead:

link to Jazzahead 2025

IASJ and DownBeat

Many thanks to Lydia Liebman for arranging an interview with Yoshi Kato, a DownBeat contributor, with outgoing IASJ Executive Director Wouter Turkenburg and incoming Executive Director Ed Partyka. The article on the IASJ can be found here:

link to DB article on the IASJ

2025 IASJ Jazz Meeting, 7–12 July, Klagenfurt, Austria

The ‘Proposed Participants Form’ is now available on the website dedicated to the 2025 IASJ Jazz Meeting in Klagenfurt, Austria. The meeting starts on Monday 7 July and the final concerts take place on Friday 11 July and Saturday 12 July.

The host school is the Gustav Mahler Private University (GMPU). The head of the jazz department is drummer Klemens Marktl. He and his team welcome the participants is the newly renovated building.

The IASJ and the GMPU have agreed that the meeting will take place if 50 or more participants are registered. It is expected that this number will be reached by the end of February 2025. Please make your travel and accommodation reservations, once this number is reached.


Host school coordinator Klemens Marktl introduces himself on this page:

Hello, I am Klemens Marktl

General information on the 2025 IASJ Jazz Meeting:


Direct link to the participants form:

The IASJ Journal: over 2100 downloads

Volume 2 of the IASJ Journal is now published. In the introduction   article, the editors Kurt Ellenberger and Wouter Turkenburg describe the research activities of the IASJ during the past two years. Furthermore, a brief description is given of the 9 articles published in Volume 2.


Do you want to give your opinion on the IASJ Research Journal, or on one of the articles? Please send a mail to:


The link to the IASJ Journal of Applied Jazz Research:

link to the IASJ Journal


IASJ Activities

2025 IASJ Jazz Meeting, Klagenfurt, Austria, 7-12 July

2025 IASJ Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, fall of 2025 or Spring 2026

2026 IASJ Jazz Meeting, Ulaanbataar, Mongolia

2027 IASJ Jazz Meeting, Tel Aviv